One of My Favorite Places- the Marsh Trail

I’m down in Florida again for the winter show season. The Marsh Trail in the 10,000 Islands National Wildlife Refuge is one of my favorite places to photograph in Florida. I was lucky to spend 4 days there last week after the Hobe Sound art show. And even luckier to have Nazan join me for part of the week when she flew down for 5 days. Here are some of the photos…

Flying Snowy

A great egret takes flight captured with some motion blur.


A flock of white pelicans taking flight.


A pied-billed grebe feeds in the shallow waters of the 10,000 islands coastal marsh.


Great egrets come to roost for the night as the sun sets.


A good image for Valentines Day. Blue teals are busy picking out their mate for the nesting season.


One evening it appeared the great egrets were holding a large convention on the water.


The signature pink color makes the roseate spoonbill a birder’s favorite. It  brings birders from around the world to south Florida.

1 Comment

  1. When you said, you may wait to look at the photos until after you come back, I was a little disappointed because I wanted to see them. I am happy to see you changed your mind. I feel that these are pretty special to me. I was there when most of these images were made. I love them all, but I do have a few favorites that I hope I see them printed. Grebe, and both motion blur photos of the Egrets and the spoonbills are lovely. Thanks for connecting my life in a concrete building to nature. These and all the photos of yours that hang on my office walls make me breathe easier.

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