The Western Everglades video

As I was getting ready to launch at the Everglades City ranger station for my Wilderness Waterway trip this January in the Everglades Jennifer Brown, a video producer for the National Park Service happened to be there filming for a video on the Western Everglades she was working on. She just published the video on the National Park Service web site. (Coincidentally, Jennifer is originally from Grand Forks, North Dakota. Very near my hometown of Hallock, Minnesota)

Like most people I’m not someone who relishes the idea of being filmed but here is the end result. She did a great job.

A couple of funny things happened during the filming. The tide was rising as I stood with my back turned from the canoe doing the interview and a boat passed by. The wake knocked my canoe loose and sent it into Chokoloskee Bay. I thought, oh great, I’m going to wind up on Youtube as the dumbass paddler who almost lost his boat. But I think she edited it nicely.

Then after all the distractions of being filmed and interviewed I struck out paddling into Chokoloskee Bay starting my 80 mile trip. About 100 feet from the shore I realized I forgot to do what I normally do, get a good compass heading to Rabbit Key Pass. So I actually had no idea what direction I should be going. Knowing I was being filmed, I paddled long enough to be out of camera range and finally tried to figure out what direction I should be paddling. But I sure do look like I know what I’m doing on the video. Thanks Jennifer!

Here is the footage…

Back up to Door County

I just returned from 3 days of shooting up in Door County this week. I’ve been thinking I need to slow down a bit while I’m shooting and just focus on one place rather than running around trying to capture everything. During my month in the Everglades I think I tried too hard to photograph every corner of the park. This week at Peninsula State Park in Door County I took the new approach to an extreme, all the photos posted below are from one 2 mile trail that I hiked 4 times over 3 days, slowly taking it in. I like how things turned out.

I did several other hikes scouting around while I was at Peninsula, but kept going back to the Eagle Trail to shoot. It’s one of those magical places you could spend all day, if you are ever in Door County you have to hike this great trail. The warning signs make it sound much harder than it actually is. It’s a pretty easy hike and is well worth the little bit of up and down.

Lake Superior

Nazan and I spent a week traveling up to the Lake Superior this last week and here are a few of the better photos. I’m not sure I got anything great photographically, but we did enjoy ourselves and scouted a lot of places that I’m certainly going to return to. Here are the two photos I think I’ll print to hang up for art shows.

Gooseberry Falls near Two Harbors, Minnesota.

I was very hesitant to shoot Split Rock Lighthouse on Superior’s North Shore. It’s the ultimate cliche photo in Minnesota. So I tried a little different take on it.

Canoeing The Wilderness Waterway Days 1-4

Day 1- Jewel Key

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I launched this afternoon in Everglades City for this 80 mile 11 day canoe trip a stone’s throw from where Vice President Al Gore rededicated Everglades National Park on the 50th anniversary of the park on December 6th, 1997. I was a news photographer photographing the speech for the Naples Daily News that day and remember that at the time I was disappointed that it was Al Gore I was photographing. It was scheduled to be President Clinton but he was in Japan to negotiate the Kyoto Climate Protocol, something that at the time I had no idea what it was or what it had to do with the Everglades. With hindsight I realize how fitting that it was Al Gore considering he went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change. I also realize how fitting it was that same week the Kyoto Protocol was signed. (An international effort to reduce carbon emissions which the U.S. never honored) If even the most modest global warming predictions turn out to be accurate, where I’m sitting right now, Jewel Key- a small mangrove island 6 miles west of Everglades City, may not be here in the future.

Earlier in 1997 I canoed out Rabbit Key Pass from Everglades City to Comer Key, an island that looked on maps to be fairly large and had a nice beach on it, but maps here in the 10,000 islands tend to be outdated. Comer Key is about a half mile to the northwest of my camp tonight. All that was left of it in 1997 when I saw it for the first time was a small sliver of soil about 5 feet above the high tide line eroding away with a large century plant on top of it. Not long after that (and to this day) Comer Key became nothing more than sandbar that is not even visible at high tide.

As I write this I’m in a hammock suspended from the tipped up roots of a large gumbo limbo tree that toppled over on the beach of Jewel Key, one of the millions of trees claimed by beach erosion in the Everglades. Gumbo limbo trees typically grow on higher ground and not on a beach. I’m no coastal geologist, but my guess is when this tree spouted, it didn’t sprout on a beach. The tree didn’t move, the shoreline did. I wonder how long it will be before Jewel Key becomes a sandbar?

As I was setting up my tent this afternoon by this tipped up gumbo limbo I noticed an old sun bleached lightning whelk sea shell that had a perfect round hole punched through it. I can’t help but wonder if this is a Calusa Indian artifact. The Calusa, who lived in these mangrove forests of the west coast of Florida hundreds of years ago before introduced diseases wiped them out. They used what was abundant to them to fashion tools, sea shells. By creating a hole in the right place on a shell for a wooden handle to go through they had themselves a hoe, or a hammer. Makes me realize I’m  not the first person to think this is a nice place to camp. (as with all cultural artifacts found in the National Park I left it where I found it)

So far this trip has been going good, it was a short easy paddle out here with the tide. Tonight while making my pasta dinner I watched a dolphin and it’s baby swim by about a 100 yards out off my beach camp. Now that it is dark out I continue hearing the puffs of air from a dolphin’s blowhole. They must be very close to hear them over the waves coming into shore. One of my favorite things about canoeing out here is listening to the sounds of water 24 hours a day. Either the waves a few yards from your tent at night, or the sounds of your paddling slicing though the water during the day. In the distance to the southwest I see the glow of city lights out across the Gulf of Mexico. I’m guessing this has to be the lights of Key West about 80 miles away across the water. This is how I’m spending the next 11 days. I like it.

Day 2- Pavilion Key

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If I’ve made it to day two it must mean I haven’t forgotten anything critical. It was a very calm day on the water, which was a good thing, I had a lot of open water to cross today. I always try to stay near shore, but here in the 10,000 Islands it is essentially island hopping.

Tonight I’m on Pavilion Key, an island about a mile long in the Gulf of Mexico. The beach is covered with large lighting whelk shells and clam shells. At one point about halfway down the island it is particularly thick with old bleached shells. Again I wonder if this could possibly be the remains of a Calusa Indian midden mound or it could also be left from a more recent clamming operation set up on the island before this was a National Park. But then again, there may just be a lot of shells on this spot on the beach?

There has been a devastating fish kill here since the cold weather struck a week earlier. There are dead fish all over the shores and floating in the water. With all these dead fish one was bound to wind up in an interesting composition for a photo. This has to be the first time, and probably the last, that I will be taking a photo of a dead fish and call it art.

Dead fish are common on wilderness beaches so it doesn’t bother me that much. the only thing that kind of creeps me out is that I’m washing my dishes in the same water that is littered with dead fish. It makes me a bit concerned about how sanitary that is. I guess I’ll find out over the next 9 days one way or the other.

This evening I neglected to pick a camping spot that I could put up my hammock, so I’m leaning against a dry bag trying to stay comfortable. I’ll have to remember to watch for some good hammock trees from now on. I have several neighbors camping with me tonight on the island being this is a popular spot, still about a day’s paddle from Everglades City. But this is a big island so we are spread out enough to still feel secluded. Tomorrow night I should start experiencing some more solitude as I get farther away from Everglades City.

A lightning whelk’s egg casings lay in the tidal mud flat. The large sea shells are common in Southwest Florida and are often exposed at extreme low tides, along with their distinctive coiled egg casings. About an hour after taking this photo, I canoed over the same place on the rising tide on my way to New Turkey Key.

Day 3- New Turkey Key

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This isn’t a bad way to spend an evening, in a hammock under the stars on your own little island for the night. I’m on New Turkey Key, my only neighbors are a raccoon and an osprey family who have a nest about 50 yards from me. Mr. Raccoon seems very interested in my camp. I’m sure there will be many sandy little paw prints on my food container in the morning. You need to keep your food and water in hard sided containers to keep the raccoons out of your stuff or you may wake up with a lot less food and water than you went to bed with. I can also hear some more company I have tonight, there are a lot of shore birds having quite a conversation somewhere near me and another dolphin is off shore breathing in the moonless night. I can tell he is hunting, the puffs are not relaxed like the dolphins last night, but very labored bursts of air.

This little island is a small paradise, about a total of 150 yards long and 30 yard wide, complete with a lone sable palm tree growing in the middle of the island amongst the mangroves.  Getting here today was a chore though. What I thought would be an easy 9 mile paddle was greatly complicated by a strong southeast wind in my face. I didn’t get an early start this morning because a very low tide left me 150 yards from the water on Pavilion Key. I didn’t feel like lugging my canoe and all my stuff across a muddy tidal flat to launch, so I waited for the rising tide to bring the water to me. Waiting till 11 a.m. maybe was a mistake. The winds only get stronger as the day goes on making for some hard paddling and some big waves. I have to applaud the hull designers at Wenonah though, my canoe handled the waves wonderfully. I think if I had been paddling my old aluminum Grumman I would have had to make several trips to shore to bail water out of the canoe. But with the Wenonah, none of the waves came in the boat at all today.

I’m surprised I’m not a bit more sore than I am. As always I started this trip completely out of shape and didn’t work out a bit in preparation, like I should have, but I haven’t had to take any of the Aleve I packed, things are going good.

The roots of a tipped up tree on New Turkey Key frame the setting sun at low tide.

Day 4- Hog Key

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I guess you aren’t a real paddler until you have cursed at the wind. Not just muttering “damn it” under your breath, I’m talking about an out loud George Carlin style string of obscenities. After today’s paddle my arms and back being sore goes without mention, but my face is burning from a 20 knot wind in my face for 4 hours. This would have been a very dangerous day had it not been the fact I was in about 4 feet of water most of the day. (I was frequently shoving my paddle to the bottom to keep checking) There were surprisingly big waves for such shallow water.

I’m glad to be here on Hog Key with my camp set up in a very sheltered stand of black and red mangroves. Now that I’m off the water and out of the wind, it’s actually a gorgeous day. It’s only 12:30 being I started very early this morning, even skipping coffee to get on the water right away to try and beat the wind.

As I pushed off this morning on New Turkey Key the rising sun reminded me right away I didn’t have my sun glasses on yet. So I paddled out about 10 yards and started digging for them, but the already strong wind pushed me back towards shore before I could even get them out of a dry bag. Then I heard a horrible screeching sound you never want to hear as an owner of an expensive kevlar canoe. I came to a complete stop and was lodged on a large clump of razor sharp oysters. My windy morning was off to a wonderful start (hence, my George Carlin impersonation) I forgot about the sunglasses for the moment and just started to paddle.

Not 100 yards out into the open water after the oyster bar took a chunk out of the bottom of my canoe I met a sail boat that had been anchored in the backwaters for the night. It was a large live aboard catamaran sailboat, probably 30 feet long. We came close enough to each other the pilot of the sailboat exuberantly yelled out to me, “What a great day!”

I guess that would depend upon if you are sailing a 30 foot sailboat or paddling a 17 foot, 34 pound canoe into the wind. Obviously he’s never paddled, but I politely gave him the mandatory boaters wave and smiled.

All is better now though, I’m enjoying 80 degree weather now this afternoon and took a bath. A nice change from the 40 degree weather here in the Everglades last week. I’ve got all the clothes and gear airing out and took a nap in the hammock strung up between two trees swaying independently in the wind, the random swaying felt like I was back in the canoe, although I don’t have to paddle.

When I came ashore from this morning’s exhausting paddle and rested, or more accurately I collapsed for a half hour, I walked around a little bit glad to be on land for the rest of the day. I found tracks that at first glance to a Midwesterner appeared to be deer tracks, but I soon remembered that there are no deer out on these islands and realized that “Hog” Key is appropriately named.  The tracks were about the size of a mid-sized deer, so I’m probably not going to be the biggest creature on Hog Key tonight. I’ve  only seen one other hog out here on Highland Beach from a distance, the best way to see a razorback, but like all wild animals, they keep their distance. The only critters that invade your camp out here are raccoons, crows and mosquitoes, and they are only looking for a free lunch.

I’ve started spending a lot of time on this trip in the hammock listening to the weather radio listening for the wind forecasts. Tomorrow a front is coming through and it will be windy. Tomorrow might be my first “wind” day. I might have to sit out paddling tomorrow if the wind if blowing early in the morning again. I don’t want to repeat the day I had this morning and there is more open water I need to cross tomorrow.

Canoeing The Wilderness Waterway Days 5-7

Day 5- Hog Key

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I didn’t even need to unzip the tent when I woke at 6 a.m. to know I wouldn’t be paddling today. The wind was howling all night long and a thunderstorm passed just north of me about 1 a.m. I’m glad I dodged that, the weather radio was warning of water spouts, 50 mph wind gusts, high surf and rip currents.

I tried twice this morning to make breakfast  and send a spot message to Nazan, but was forced back into the tent both times by rain. I’ve spent most of the morning in my tent with my empty coffee cup strategically balanced on my belly to catch the most frequent drips. I think my tent is due for some seam sealer therapy.

In a way it is  nice to know that I won’t be going anywhere today, I haven’t taken a day off since I left Madison on the 1st. I just wish that I was stuck in a spot that made better photos. Hog key is nice but I had planned to stay on Highland Beach for two nights because it is an awesome place. But now it looks like my day off will be spent at Hog Key.

4:30 pm- I dozed off this morning in my tent and woke up around noon and the weather had calmed down a great deal. Still in the tent, I switched on the weather radio and the automated computer voice said after the front passed the weather would be “tranquil” for the next few days. She actually used the word tranquil! I let out a little cheer and got up out of the tent. The wind was almost gone and it was appearing to become a nice day. Judging by the water in my canoe it had rained a great deal this morning.

With my optimism rising I thought I’d give paddling a try today after all. Maybe I can make it to Highland Beach and still have my layover day there! I packed camp in record time and shoved off. But as soon as I rounded the corner of the protected bay I was in I quickly realized that this was going to be a very short paddle. The swells kicked up from last night’s storm were still very big and paddling 8 miles with these kinds of waves wouldn’t be that wise. So I pulled back into Hog Key only .6 miles from where I was last night and set up camp again and sent my spot message to Nazan.

I kind of look forward to spending the message every day, even if all it says is my location and that I’m okay. It’s as close as I can get to calling home.

Day 6- Highland Beach

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2 p.m.- I’m in paradise! In a hammock stretched between two sable palms looking out at the sun glistening off the Gulf of Mexico. I’m 40 miles from anywhere or anything.

The paddle over here to Highland Beach was on almost mirror smooth water, about a mile away from arriving here, I paddled alongside a pod of 6 or 7 dolphin swimming together. They were about 20 feet away from me at times and either didn’t notice me, or didn’t care that I was there.

My water jugs and food container are full thanks to a resupply by Bill Blanton, a retired Naples Daily News editor who is now a fishing guide out of Everglades City. He ran down water and food for me in his fishing boat this morning. Coincidentally Bill was the editor who assigned me to first canoe the wilderness waterway in 1997 for a special section to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Everglades National Park. It was good to talk to him today, he was the first person I’ve had a conversation with in a week. I’m also glad that someone can send word to Nazan that I’m doing okay out here.

Earlier this morning on the paddle over here I felt the back end of my canoe sink and move the side. When you are in a canoe this much you become very sensitive to any unusual movements. I looked back and the water all around was brownish from silt being stirred up off the bottom. I never heard any slashing at all, just felt the canoe move. I told Bill about it and he theorized it might have been a nurse shark or large stingray. Whatever it was, it was big. It moved a lot of water.

8 p.m.- I had planned on doing a lot of walking here on Highland Beach, the beach is about 2 miles long, but my feet are killing me. Your feet would be the last thing you would think of hurting on a canoe trip, but with having sand all over your feet all day every day it is literally like wearing sandals made out of sandpaper. It tears your feet up pretty good and starts to rub your feet raw in places. I’ve started wearing wool socks with my sandals to protect my feet. I’m glad I’m 40 miles away from civilization, I look pretty dorky with wool socks on at the beach.

I have a picture hanging in my living room taken on Highland Beach from a trip I took in 2001. I was hoping to find the same location today to do a before and after photo but these places change so rapidly I couldn’t find the spot at all. I’ve been looking at the photo for years in my living room, so I would have recognized it it was still here. But the coastline out here is ever changing and eroding so that it was nowhere to be found.

Someday I would love to bring Nazan here to Highland Beach, she would love this place. Tonight the stars are out and the crescent moon is setting into the Gulf of Mexico. This is a wonderful place. Because it is so far from civilization you usually have the place entirely to yourself like I do tonight. I think if Nazan and I were to come out here we might get someone to take us out in a motor boat though. I’m not sure Nazan would like the 6 day round trip it would take to paddle here.

Day 7- Graveyard Creek

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When you get to the remote areas in the Everglades halfway between Everglades City and Flamingo all the names get more foreboding, like Shark Point, Lostman’s River, Camp Lonesome and where I’m camped tonight, Graveyard Creek. Unlike some of the names up by Everglades City like Sunday Bay and Picnic Key.

The paddle down to Graveyard Creek was very peaceful and calm, the morning silence was only broken by two F-18 fighter jets flying overhead. There is an active military training area off the Everglades Coast so it is common to hear planes and sonic booms while in the middle of the Everglades. I had to laugh as they flew over me following the coastline from north to south. It probably just took them 5 minutes to travel as far as I will in 11 days.

When I got here to Graveyard Creek I found I wasn’t going to be alone tonight for the first time in 5 days. There are 4 fisherman from Orlando and a guy sailing his small sailboat to Central America.

Tonight around the campfire was a scene that I’m sure has never happened before and never will again. A architect, a cook, an owner of a lawn company and an accountant from Orlando, a photographer from Wisconsin sat around a campfire eating boiled cabbage and venison chili listening to a guy who is sailing to Central America, play Neil Young songs on his accordion. It certainly was a night to remember and a lot more social than I’ve had so far on this trip. I do have to say the fisherman had a brilliant idea, invite a cook along. Nathan’s food was excellent!

I camped here before during the trip in 1997 for the Naples Daily News as Ted Kircher and I canoed the Wilderness Waterway for the special section the paper did for the 50th anniversary of Everglades National Park. This afternoon I ate the one Power Bar I brought with me in memory of that trip Ted and I undertook. When Ted and I did this same trip (on different route) it was the first time either of us had done a major wilderness outing. All we packed for food was freeze dried camping food and Power Bars I bought at Sports Authority. To this day I have never been able to eat either of them, today was the first Power Bar I’ve eaten since then. Time has actually healed my taste a bit, it wasn’t that bad. Freeze dried camping food on the other hand, I’ll go to my grave without having another one of those meals. I have to say this trip I’ve been doing much better on food. I’ve been enjoying a lot of pasta dishes and fry breads. I’ve been eating pretty good.

This campsite is just kind of a stopping point, a small patch of higher land in a long stretch of shore with no beaches. It’s not necessarily a pretty place so there wasn’t much to shoot tonight. I did shoot a photo in 1997 that we ran with the story in the Naples Daily News of a large black mangrove in the mouth of the creek right by the camp that made a nice photo at sunrise. Of course that tree is gone now and the camp looks nothing like it did 13 years ago. Another example of the ever changing coastline out here.

Canoeing the Wilderness Waterway Days 8-11

Day 8- Middle Cape


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Today was such a perfect paddling day I think I may have paddled too far. I’ve been nervous about the windy forecasts for the next few days and I got to my intended camp for the night at Northwest Cape at 1 p.m. The water was still calm as could be so I decided to get back in the canoe and paddle even farther. If the next few days are forecast to be windy, My logic was I might as well paddle now in calm weather rather than in winds tomorrow. So today I paddled a total of 17 miles to Middle Cape.

But I actually regret doing that now. Middle Cape isn’t nearly as pretty as Northwest Cape was. Photographically speaking I made a mistake skipping Northwest Cape. Tonight I didn’t get any photos to speak of. I’m not sure if it is because I’m getting tired and lacking any creativity or there isn’t much to shoot here.

After eating dinner in the dark, like I do every night because I shoot till the sun has sets, I got up to wash the dishes. I thought to myself that I really need to replace the batteries in my headlamp, the light is getting pretty dim. Then I realized that it was dim because I still had my sunglasses on! I think exhaustion is starting to set in!

Day 9- East Cape Sable

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Today this felt like a camping trip! Lounging around on the beach, cooked, walked, took a short swim/bath and napped in the hammock.

I paddled only a short distance this morning. 3 miles down near East Cape Sable. This is the last stop before the 10 mile paddle across Florida Bay back to Flamingo. I’m going to stay here two nights being I paddled ahead of schedule two days ago. I’m not due back till Saturday.

I’m glad today’s paddle was short because it was no fun. the winds are picking up as foretasted. I wasn’t too worried about the waves coming at me because I had a beach to my left the entire way if I did capsize. I’d look over at the beach and at times I was barely moving at all.

Tonight I’m the southernmost person in the mainland United States. I have East Cape Sable all to myself. Key West is the southernmost point in the U.S. but it is an island, Cape Sable is the southernmost point on the Florida Peninsula.

This Beach I’m on is the same place I shot my all time favorite photo. A photo of a crocodile’s imprint in the sand on the beach. A crocodile had spent the night just down the beach from my tent. I didn’t see it but I saw the impression the next morning about 100 feet from where I slept. That trip was in April 2001, this time being it’s colder in January I haven’t seen any signs of a crocodile at all. I guess they are just like people, they come to the beach in warmer weather.

A small crab clung to his home on this sponge, even as it washed on to shore.

Day 10- East Cape Sable

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I think I’m going to throw my weather radio in the Gulf of Mexico. the 20 mph winds the automated computer voice has been warning me about for days is a breeze barely enough to keep me cool in the bright Florida sun beating down on the beach. The Gulf is as calm as can be. I certainly wouldn’t have needed to skip Northwest Cape Sable.

But it was nice not to move at all today, I used the extra time I had today to gather firewood for a fire, being it’s my last night out. Nazan thinks I’m crazy, but I never build a fire on these solo trips. I feel it’s just really more work than it’s worth. I canoe all day, set up camp shoot some photos, make dinner and by then it’s 7 or 8 p.m. and bed time is about an hour away. So I never see the need to build a fire.

Today boredom did set in, about all there was to do this afternoon was watch the brown pelicans dive bomb the waters for lunch. As I ate my lunch I sat there and wondered, how do they get the little M’s stamped on M&M’s. I actually had time to make coffee today, In fact I made three cups. Most mornings I’ve been in such a rush to get on the water before the wind I skipped coffee.

Tonight was especially damp, a thick fog rolled in at sundown, which made for another first for me. A beach fog photo. It also made it very hard to light the nice kindling I gathered this morning for the fire. But it was nothing that some T.P. couldn’t help out. Good thing I had extra left over!

With all my time today I added up the number of miles I’ve journeyed across the Everglades. With this trip it’s a total of 400 miles in 6 trips crossing the Everglades by kayak, canoe and by foot. This isn’t including the dozens of weekend trips I’ve taken when I worked at the Naples Daily News. Even now as I finish up the 10th day out here, I’m already thinking about and planning some future trips. I must like this.

Day 11- Flamingo!

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Today was simply getting up stashing everything in the canoe and paddling the last 10 miles back to civilization! Into a headwind of course! But it was good to see the boat ramp in Flamingo where my pickup was waiting to wisk me away to an awaiting frozen pizza and ice cold Coronas.

On the way back I passed a dead crocodile floating in the waters as soon as I entered Florida Bay. It’s a shame to see an endangered species floating dead in the water. It could very well be another casualty from the cold weather.

As I neared Flamingo I paddled past Bradley Key. It looks like any other of the hundreds of mangrove islands you have passed by along the Wilderness Waterway. But Bradley Key is named after Guy Bradley and is the site where he was murdered in 1905 while carrying out his job as a game warden attempting to arrest bird poachers.

The showy feathers of Everglades birds had become very fashionable for women to wear in their hats. The feathers had at one time worth more than their weight in gold to feed the fashion industry. The national outrage over Bradley’s death in part helped the movement to enact laws protecting the birds and raise awareness of the effects of plume hunting.

If the trees could talk out here in the Everglades there would be a lot of interesting stories to be told. There is always more to a place like this than what meets the eye.

Bradley Key near Flamingo