Some More Color
Here’s a little more color pinhole experimentation from the Dane C0unty Fair. I’m getting the hang of this cross processing color film and contempl...
Here’s a little more color pinhole experimentation from the Dane C0unty Fair. I’m getting the hang of this cross processing color film and contempl...
So my latest mini-project has been working with cross processing color slide film in color negative chemistry. (Intentionally using the wrong chemicals) It̵...
What do you call a pinhole camera made from a Spam can? A “Spamera” or a “Spam-cam”? Here’s a few shots from this week from my new...
These photos are dedicated to the guy who walked by me while I was shooting in the drizzle and fog and said, “Lousy day for photos, Isn’t it?”...
Although I’ve never been a gear-head, doing pinhole and alternative photography would satisfy a camera geek’s need for new camera gear at a low pric...
I tried out a few more rolls of cross processing film shot with the Kodak Hawkeye Brownie (with the reversed lens). Being the focus is fixed at about two feet i...