Macro Hike

To make sure I was back at the hotel for President Obama’s health care speech, I decided to forgo late day light photos and planned a short hike this afternoon down the Hidden Bluff trail in Peninsula State Park to kill some time before the speech. I actually found several cool shots with the macro lens. There on a stump along the trail was this psychedelic lichen. It looks more like I was on the great barrier reef than Wisconsin. I think this is the shot of the trip. At least I used it to justify sleeping in tomorrow instead of shooting sunrise before heading home.

(by the way, yes I am a wuss and staying in a hotel. I wasn’t sure how well my body would tolerate sleeping on the ground after surgery last month)


I admit that I have a bit of a fern and palm frond addiction. I love the symmetrical designs and can’t pass up a good fern or saw palmetto photo. So here is another shot from my short hike in Peninsula  State Park with the macro. (I also made it in time for the health care speech) It was the easiest hike I did on this trip and I bagged two photos I like. I guess being lazy paid off today. Coincidentally The fern and lichen were about 10 feet apart. Luck was with me today.


1 Comment

  1. You know me and my love of macro shots. I absolutely love the lichen photo. And, I love the light on the fern. It looks so natural, so real.

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