Governor Dodge State Park “Insta-CAMeron” Photos

Nazan and I took a short vacation and camped 4 days at Governor Dodge State Park this last weekend. I did very little serious shooting, we just enjoyed the outdoors! It was the perfect opportunity for a few “Insta-CAMeron” photos.

“Insta-CAMeron” photos (painful pun intended) are random cell phone photos taken by Cameron Gillie on his travels when he comes across a photo that’s just not worth digging the camera and tripod out of the backpack.


This actually is a location I might go back to with the real camera, this tree was great. We found it on a 6 mile hike that I was not carrying my camera. Sometimes it’s nice just to leave the camera behind only carrying the binoculars and enjoy the sights.

This butterfly was on a tree right in our campsite. I also didn’t notice the tent caterpillar in the photo till just now posting the photo. There was quite an abundance of tent caterpillars at the park this spring.

1 Comment

  1. I am eager to note that it is not easy to take sharp pictures with a phone camera. You handed me the camera to take a picture and I couldn’t get a single sharp one in broad day light. It appears that you have incredibly steady hands! That’s the technical part. I think the composition of every one of them is, well, Cameron quality….

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