Kittson County Historical Museum “Insta-CAMeron” photos

While at the Kittson County Historical Museum I did a few other “Insta-CAMeron” photos from elsewhere around the museum. The Museum in Lake Bronson is one of those places you never appreciated until you moved away. Looking back on your heritage and where you came from is something we all don’t do enough of.

Insta cam photos


The caboose is certainly a thing of the past. I imagine many people reading this never remember the days when there was a funny little car at the end of the train with people in it who’s job it seemed was to wave to passing motorists.


The many layers of paint made for a nice texture on the old caboose at the museum.


This log cabin was one of the first European dwellings in Kittson County. It’s now found a home on the museum grounds.


An old Studebaker truck with still shiny chrome on it. Funny, the chrome on my 2002 Tacoma doesn’t look this nice.
