Roads less traveled

Here’s some new pinhole photos from my wandering last week. I spent some time driving the country roads  in the hills west of Madison. It reminded me of my days of looking for “wild art” photographs at the Greeley Tribune.  (what you do on a slow news day when the editors were desperate for photos to fill the next day’s paper)  You just get in the car and take roads you haven’t taken before looking for a photo. Sometimes that can lead to something good, sometimes you just waste a lot of time.

Gov Dodge tree and road-2

A country road with my new brown paper bag “filter”.  Not a photoshop filter… Just a brown paper bag.

Gov Dodge Barn-3A

And of course while driving around rural Wisconsin a barn is eventually become your subject matter.

Indian Lake Park Church

I revisited the small hilltop chapel in Indian Lake County Park and tried to incorporate the unique sun flare you get with a pinhole camera.

Indian Lake church 4

 I returned to try and work the sun flare some more on another day.
my second attempt with the flare shots didn’t work out, but I tried this angle with with the sun reflecting off the cross.  I guess I like the first day’s photo better. That is the way reshoots go sometimes.

Governor Dodge tree-4

I’ve always liked the look of fall colors on black and white. It gives an infrared look to the photo.


1 Comment

  1. Your pinhole work is looking good, great subjects for a pinhole. I like the brown bag filter effect.

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