Back in the Saddle

Mansion 2 for blog


The Lanier Mansion in Madison, Indiana

I’m back on my feet and starting to develop film from the Kentucky trip. For those who don’t know already, I had heart bypass surgery since returning from Kentucky. Two weeks ago today I was in open heart surgery for 10 hours but today I’m up scanning and developing some film. So the recovery is going pretty good. After 3-4 months I should recover fully and I’ll be back in the swing of things again.

This was just as big a surprise to me as it has been to everyone else. Here’s the Reader’s Digest version…

While in Madison, Indiana and Louisville, Kentucky doing two shows I noticing some discomfort in my chest when walking long distances. Considering my family history I figured I should get it checked when I got home. We went into the walk in clinic and I never left the hospital. It turned out to be pretty serious, I had some pretty bad blockage so the bypass surgery was the best option for the long term recovery. The good news is there is little damage and I should make a full recovery.

I got here by having some seriously bad genes, combined with not taking care of myself, stress and  not knowing when to slow down. I got myself into this mess, with some serious lifestyle changes I can get myself out of it. I should be able to recover fully and be in better shape than ever. I’ve got some serious motivation. The past two weeks have been the most miserable experience I’ve ever had to endure. I don’t want to have to repeat this. Or suffer even worse consequences. I’ve got too much left to do.

So I’m be seeing you at an art fair again soon! Next up is the Winter Off The Square on November 15th and 16th.







  1. Sorry to hear of your health travails/heart surgery but I’m glad you are NOW on the mend…love the photo…again, pleased to make your acquaintance and wishing better things for you.

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